Meet the Office 365 for IT Pros Team at Ignite 2018

Meet the Office 365 for IT Pros Writing Team in Orlando

Many of the authors who contribute to Office 365 for IT Pros will be at the Microsoft Ignite conference in Orlando (September 24-28). Ståle Hansen, Brian Reid, Jussi Roine, and Tony Redmond are all scheduled to speak. The full schedule is being gradually developed by Microsoft as they slot sessions and presenters into time slots and rooms. We will update our information here as we receive it from the Ignite organizers.

Office 365 for IT Pros Sessions at Microsoft Ignite 2018

Session IdSlotTitleSpeaker
THR1044Mon 12:45-13:05
Expo Theater #1
How to be an author and write about technology (special guest: Mary-Jo Foley)Tony Redmond
THR3078Tues 11:55-12:15Getting started with AI in Microsoft Azure and Office 365Jussi Roine
THR3123Tues 16:00 – 16:20 Expo Theater #12Getting stuff done: Solving Office 365 problems with PowerShellTony Redmond
BRK3278Wed 10:15 – 11:00
OCC W304 A-D
Running a tight ship: Controlling Microsoft TeamsTony Redmond
THR2137Wed 11:20 – 11:40OneNote Life HacksStåle Hansen
THR2138Thurs 11:55 – 12:15
Expo Theater #1
Stream Meetings with Microsoft TeamsStåle Hansen
THR2241Thurs 2:15 – 2:35
West Building Theater
Meetings Best Practices in Microsoft TeamsStåle Hansen
BRK3277Thurs 15:15 – 16:00
Making the best of the cloud: How Exchange Online is different from Exchange on-premisesTony Redmond
THR2145Thurs 16:00 – 16:20
Expo Theater #1
Why do we need to keep an on-premises Exchange server when we go to the cloud?Brian Reid
MUP1004Thurs 16:00 – 17:15Ask us anything about Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams, plus content curation in Office 365, SharePoint, and OneDrive.Ståle Hansen (and other MVPs)
BRK3127Thurs 16:30 – 17:15So long and thanks for all the email (phish)Brian Reid
BRK3268Fri 09:00-09:45Governing Azure subscriptions with auditing, management. groups, and policiesJussi Roine
POD1003Fri 09:00 – 09:45
Podcast Center
Office 365 Exposed Podcast with special guest star Greg Taylor, Director of Marketing for Exchange.Tony Redmond & Paul Robichaux
BRK3279Fri 09:00-09:45Why did that email get junked (or how to keep my email out of my recipients’ junk folder)Brian Reid
BRK3280Fri 11:30-12:15A practical approach to securing the modern workplace with Microsoft 365Jussi Roine

A session Id of THRxxxx means that it’s a 20-minute theater session presented on one of the stages erected around the technology exhibition. The BRK sessions are either 45-minute or 75-minute sessions. You can get previous episodes of the Office 365 Exposed podcast on  iTunes. All are welcome to come along and heckle at the podcast.

The full Ignite session catalog is available online. Like all Ignite conferences, it’s likely that the details of sessions will change as the conference approaches to move times around, introduce new sessions, or even drop some sessions.

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