The Test-Message cmdlet is a useful tool to check if Exchange transport rules and DLP policies work correctly. You can input a test message to see what happens as the Exchange transport service applies transport rules, DLP policies, and auto-label policies based on the message contents and properties. Nice as it is to have the Test-Message cmdlet, human knowledge of what transport rules should do is probably an even more important asset.
Teams meeting recordings can contain a lot of confidential information. It’s a quick and easy task to create a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy to stop people sharing these files externally, In this post, we show just how simple the required policy is, and just how effective it is at stopping external sharing.
In a sign of how automation based on signals gathered by Office 365 will emerge to help administrators do a better job, the preview of the new Admin Center offered to create a DLP policy to protect some sensitive information that I had clearly overlooked. Well-intended as the portal was, its efforts to create the new policy failed. That’s not really important – it’s the glimpse into the future which is.