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Odd Replacement Cmdlets appear in Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK V2.17 and Azure Automation Issues in V2.18
Updated 15 May 2024

Last week was odd for me. I headed to Orlando for the M365 Community Conference on Sunday and arrived at the Dolphin hotel feeling somewhat odd. A few hours later, I was flat on my back unable to move with a combination of a horrible cough and the effects of a norovirus. Enough to say that it wasn’t pretty.
The conference swung into full action on Tuesday, and I spoke (between coughs) about the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. I think it’s fair to say that I have a love-hate relationship with the software. I like the access to all sorts of Microsoft 365 data enabled through the SDK cmdlets, but I dislike some of its foibles.
I also hate when Microsoft makes changes that seem to be firmly in the category of shooting itself in the foot, like the spurious output generated for cmdlets introduced in V2.13.1 and worsened in V2.14. Stuff like this shouldn’t get through basic testing.
Update: Microsoft has released V2.19 of the SDK to fix the reported problems. They describe the affected cmdlets in a May 15 blog.
The Case of the DirectoryObjectByRefs Cmdlets
Which brings me to a problem that seems to have surfaced in V2.17. Until this time, the Remove-MgGroupMemberByRef cmdlet worked to remove a member from a group by passing the user account identifier for the member and the group identifier. With V2.17, the following happens:
Remove-MgGroupMemberByRef -DirectoryObjectId $UserId -GroupId $GroupId Remove-MgGroupMemberByRef: A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'DirectoryObjectId'
The same happens with the Remove-MgGroupOwnerByRef cmdlet to remove a group member (but not if the action would leave the group ownerless).
Microsoft’s response is documented here and it is a calamity. Not only does it appear that other cmdlets are involved (like Remove-MgApplicationOwnerByRef – I have asked Microsoft for a definitive list), but the fix is terrible. No experienced PowerShell person would think that it is a good idea to fix a problem in a cmdlet by introducing a brand-new cmdlet, but that’s what Microsoft did by including cmdlets like Remove-MgGroupMemberDirectoryObjectByRef and Remove-MgGroupOwnerDirectoryObjectByRef in V2.17.
The SDK developers might be pleased that V2.17 contains functional cmdlets to remove group members and owners, but anyone who wrote scripts prior to V2.17 based on the old cmdlets is left high and dry.
I hadn’t noticed the problem because I haven’t run the affected cmdlets for a while. But Ryan Mitchell of Northwestern University had, and he brought the matter to my attention after the session at the Microsoft 365 Community Conference. Suffice to say that the necessary protests have been made in the right quarters. I had the opportunity in Orlando to chat with some senior members of the Graph development team who acknowledged that this is not the way that cmdlet problems should be addressed and that overall Graph SDK quality must be improved. Specifically for the group cmdlets, Microsoft is investigating how the situation developed. It could be that this is a side effect of the famous AutoRest process that generates SDK cmdlets from Graph APIs. We’ll see in time.
Update May 9: Microsoft has published V2.19 of the SDK to address the problem with cmdlet renaming. They’ve introduced aliases to make sure that scripts continue to work with the old cmdlets.
Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK V2.18 and Azure Automation
Microsoft released V2.18 of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK last week. After installing the new module and running some tests, everything checked out and I duly tweeted that the new module was available.
But problems lurked for Azure Automation runbooks configured for PowerShell 5.1 because people noted that they couldn’t use the Groups module after connecting with a user-provided access token obtained using the Get-AzAccessToken cmdlet. Everything works with PowerShell 7, but not with the earlier release. It seems like a clash occurs between the version of the Azure identity assembly loaded by the AzAccounts module. In any case, Microsoft is investigating (here are the full details) and the advice is to stay with V2.17 if you use Azure Automation until Azure updates their assembly.
Time for a Checkup
It’s disappointing to see issues like these continue to appear in new versions of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. Basic testing and some knowledge about how people use PowerShell in practice should have caught these issues. Their existence lessens faith in the SDK. After all, who wants to chase new bugs in a module that’s refreshed monthly?
Chapter 23 of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook referenced examples of the cmdlets affected by the V2.17 issue. We’ve issued update 107.1 with amended text. The nature of an eBook means that it’s much easier to address problems in text than with printed books and we do try and fix known issues as quickly as we can. For everyone else who uses the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK for group management or Azure Automation, it’s time to check that everything’s working as expected.
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Since all Graph API SDKs are auto generated there are not unit tests at all. Everything is testing by us – developers. Believe it will get worse.
I don’t use the Graph SDK at all at this point. I simply use a wrapper around Invoke-RestMethod and pass the token from MSAL.PS. I stick to stable endpoints but if I want to use beta then I don’t need to hassle with “beta” cmdlets and updating a million modules, dealing with -AllowClobber, etc.
Microsoft now has a blog post on the Microsoft 365 Developer Blog regarding this:
A pointer to the blog post is includedin the article. I edited it as soon as Microsoft told me that they had released the text.