Table of Contents
Creating a Dynamic Administrative Unit Per Department
I wrote about using dynamic Entra ID administrative units earlier this year. Not much has changed since then as the feature remains in preview, but an interesting question asked about creating dynamic administrative units with PowerShell. I could have referred the questioner to Microsoft’s documentation, but its examples feature cmdlets from the soon-to-be-deprecated Azure AD module. An example using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK seems like a better idea, so that’s what I cover here.
The question asked about using a CSV file containing department names with the idea of creating a separate dynamic administrative unit for each department. Using CSV files is an effective way of driving scripts, but if the tenant directory is accurate and maintained, it’s easy to extract a list of departments from user accounts.
Scripting the Creation of Dynamic Administrative Units
The steps in a script to create a dynamic administrative unit per department are as follows:
- Run the Get-MgUser cmdlet to fetch the set of licensed Entra ID member accounts in the tenant. It’s important to fetch licensed accounts to exclude accounts used with shared mailboxes, room mailboxes, and member accounts created through synchronization for multi-tenant organizations.
- Create an array of departments from user accounts.
- Create an array of existing administrative units that we can check against to avoid creating duplicate administrative units.
- For each department, run the New-MgBetaAdministrativeUnit cmdlet to create a new administrative unit (the beta module of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK is needed because the feature is in preview).
- Calculate the membership rule to find accounts belonging to the department.
- Run the Update-MgBetaAdministrativeUnit to transform the administrative unit to use dynamic membership.
Here’s the code used to create a new administrative unit:
$Description = ("Dynamic administrative unit created for the {0} department created {1}" -f $Department, (Get-Date)) $DisplayName = ("{0} dynamic administrative unit" -f $Department) If ($DisplayName -in $CurrentAUs.DisplayName) { Write-Host ("Administrative unit already exists for {0}" -f $DisplayName) } Else { # Create the new AU $NewAUParameters = @{ displayName = $DisplayName description = $Description isMemberManagementRestricted = $false } $NewAdminUnit = (New-MgBetaAdministrativeUnit -BodyParameter $NewAUParameters) }
And here’s the code to transform it into a dynamic administrative unit:
$MembershipRule = '(user.department -eq "' + $Department + '" -and user.usertype -eq "member")' # Create hash table with the parameters $UpdateAUParameters = @{ membershipType = "Dynamic" membershipRuleProcessingState = "On" membershipRule = $MembershipRule } Try { Update-MgBetaAdministrativeUnit -AdministrativeUnitId $NewAdminUnit.Id -BodyParameter $UpdateAUParameters } Catch { Write-Host ("Error updating {0} with dynamie properties" -f $NewAdminUnit.DisplayName ) } Write-Host ("Created dynamic administrative unit for the {0} department called {1}" -f $Department, $NewAdminUnit.DisplayName)
Figure 1 shows the properties of a dynamic administrative unit created by the script, which you can download from GitHub.

Membership Rules Glitches
The membership rule determines the membership of a dynamic administrative unit. Although you can construct filters to use with the Get-MgUser cmdlet to find licensed user accounts belonging to a department, the same flexibility doesn’t exist for the rules used to interrogate Entra ID to find members for a dynamic administrative unit (or dynamic Microsoft 365 group).
The problem is that membership rules don’t allow you to mix properties of different types. For instance, the rule can find user accounts belonging to a department (a string property), but it can’t combine that clause with a check against the assignedLicenses property to make sure that the account is licensed. That’s because assignedLicenses is a multi-value property and the rule can’t mix checks against strings with checks against multi-value properties. If you try, Entra ID signals a “mixed use of properties from different types of object” error. In effect, because we want to create dynamic administrative units based on department, the membership rule is limited to string properties.
Finding the Right Cmdlet to Do the Job
I bet some folks reading this article ask the question “how do I find out what cmdlets to use to interact with Entra ID objects?” It’s a fair question. The SDK modules contain hundreds of cmdlets, some of which have extraordinarily long and complex names. My answer is to use the Graph X-ray add-on to gain insight into what the Entra ID admin center does to manipulate objects. If a method is good enough for the Entra ID admin center, it’s probably good enough for you.
Learn about using Entra ID, the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, and the rest of Microsoft 365 by subscribing to the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. Use our experience to understand what’s important and how best to protect your tenant.
Do you know how to disable the welcome message similar as: Set-UnifiedGroup $NewGroupName -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled:$false
Hi Magnus,
I just figured this out myself. You do it like this:
##### ResourceBehaviorOptions = @(“WelcomeEmailDisabled”)
$params = @{
description = “Dynamic Distribution group.”
displayName = “***Dynamic Distribution Group Test 2”
groupTypes = @(
mailEnabled = $true
mailNickname = “test.2”
securityEnabled = $false
MembershipRuleProcessingState = “On”
MembershipRule = ‘(User.DisplayName -eq “test test”)’
ResourceBehaviorOptions = @(“WelcomeEmailDisabled”)
New-MgGroup -BodyParameter $params
Not wishing to pour cold water on anything, but you realize that you’re responding to an article about creating dynamic administrative units with a comment relating to the creation of dynamic groups?
Hi Magnus,
I just figured this out myself. You do it like this:
ResourceBehaviorOptions = @(“WelcomeEmailDisabled”)
as in:
$params = @{
description = “Dynamic Distribution group.”
displayName = “***Dynamic Distribution Group Test 2”
groupTypes = @(
mailEnabled = $true
mailNickname = “test.2”
securityEnabled = $false
MembershipRuleProcessingState = “On”
MembershipRule = ‘(User.DisplayName -eq “test test”)’
ResourceBehaviorOptions = @(“WelcomeEmailDisabled”)
New-MgGroup -BodyParameter $params