Updating Entra ID Risky Users with PowerShell

Entra ID Identity Protection Monitors Sign-Ins to Find Problem Accounts

Entra ID Identity Protection is a solution that uses machine learning to monitor and detect problematic sign-in activity for a tenant. The idea is that machine learning is better at examining audit logs to recognize signs of potential problems, especially when a tenant supports a large number of accounts. Entra ID Identity Protection requires Azure AD Premium P2 licenses.

Graph API for Entra ID Risky Users

The riskyUser resource type is a Graph API used by Entra ID Identity Protection to. programmatically represent risky user accounts. Usually, it is Entra ID Identity Protection that marks an account as being at risk based on the pattern of activity for the account (for instance, a large number of attempted sign-ins that fail). Alternatively, the risk state of a user can be set by an administrator if they know that an account is compromised.

The actions supported by the API are:

  • List risky users.
  • Get details of a risky user.
  • List the history of a risky user.
  • Confirm that the state of a user account is risky due to known compromise.
  • Dismiss the risky status for a user (use the Graph API as shown below).

Examples of Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK cmdlets based on the Risky User API include:

# Use scope IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All to read risky user information and IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All to update.
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All
Get-MgRiskyUser | Sort-Object RiskLastUpdatedDateTime -Descending
Get-MgRiskyUser -RiskyUserId 96bfb216-e88c-4f1f-86d7-04747e5fc686 | Format-List)
Get-MgRiskyUserHistory -RiskyUserId 96bfb216-e88c-4f1f-86d7-04747e5fc686 | Format-List)
Confirm-MgRiskyUserCompromised -UserIds (Get-MgUser -UserId Ben.James@Office365itpros.com).Id

Accounts that need to be checked show up under risky activities in the Protection section of the Entra ID admin center (risky activities can be attributed to service principals if Identity Protection finds an app doing something unusual). Figure 1 shows the details logged for an account after an administrator ran the Confirm-MgRiskyUserCompromised cmdlet. This action forces Identity Protection to regard the account as being highly at risk, so it sends global administrators email to inform them about the problem.

Details of a risky user in Entra ID Identity Protection

Entra ID risky users
Figure 1: Details of a risky user in Entra ID Identity Protection

Once an account is flagged as risky, it remains in this state until an administrator remediates the risk. On my tenant, I had some old risky users that hadn’t been processed. To clean things up, I used the PowerShell code below to find risky users awaiting administrator remediation and checked the last updated date to see if the risky user state was more than 183 days old. If true, I used the Graph API to dismiss the risky user state.

Write-Host "Finding risky users"
[array]$RiskyUsers = Get-MgRiskyUser -Filter "(riskState ne 'remediated') and (riskState ne 'dismissed')" | Sort-Object RiskLastUpdatedDateTime -Descending

$Uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/riskyUsers/dismiss"
[datetime]$CheckDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-183)

ForEach ($User in $RiskyUsers) {  
   If ($User.RiskLastUpdatedDateTime -le $CheckDate) {
      Write-Host ("User {0} ({1}) risk state last updated on {2} - removing..." -f $User.UserDisplayName, $User.UserPrincipalName, $User.RiskLastUpdatedDateTime)
      $DismissedUserInfo = '{"UserIds": [ "' + $User.Id + '" ]}'
      Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Body $DismissedUserInfo -Method Post

User Jim.Smith (Jim.Smith@office365itpros.com) risk state last updated on 18/08/2022 15:54:04 - removing...
User Chris Bishop (Chris.Bishop@office365itpros.com) risk state last updated on 11/05/2021 06:05:39 - removing...

This code dismisses the risk state even if the state is deemed High. A more complete implementation might exclude these risky users and process only those with risk state of medium or low.

It takes a few minutes before the dismissed state becomes effective for accounts.

Linking Entra ID Risky Users to Conditional Access

When I first read about the Confirm-MgRiskyUserCompromised cmdlet, I wondered if I would ever use such a command. If an administrator knows about an account compromise, surely their first step is to prevent access to whoever has compromised the account by disabling access and changing its password? After all, no need exists to mark an account as risky when an administrator knows that it is compromised/

But then I wondered if the advantage lies in the fact that high-risk accounts can be picked up by a conditional access policy. Identity Protection started off with its own risk policies, and Microsoft is now encouraging customers to migrate to conditional access policies instead, citing advantages such as Graph API support and greater flexibility. Given the number of features Microsoft has added to conditional access policies recently, like protected actions and authentication strength, the argument is certainly true.

Creating an authentication policy to block access to accounts marked at risk is straightforward.

  • Select the users within scope of the policy.
  • Add All Cloud Apps as the target resource.
  • Set User Risk to High (or High and Medium).
  • Set session sign-in frequency to every time.
  • Under access control, select grant access with a password change (and for good measure, require multi-factor authentication).

When the conditional access policy is active, continuous access evaluation will detect the risk and block connections from any user (Figure 2) marked as High risk (like those marked by the Confirm-MgRiskyUserCompromised cmdlet). An administrator will have to reset the account password or, if the account is enabled for Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR), the user will have to choose a new password before they can sign in again.

Entra ID blocks a risky user from making a connection
Figure 2: Entra ID blocks a risky user from making a connection

The thing about conditional access policies is that it’s easy to get into a mess with conflicting and competing policies. I always test with a single user and I use the IdPowerTools app to document the set of policies defined in my tenant.

Entra ID Risky Users Just Another Thing to Consider in a Security Plan

Entra ID Identity Protection isn’t a silver bullet to prevent user account compromise. Enabling multi-factor authentication for all user accounts is a much more fundamental solution to the compromise problem. Identity Protection brings some extra intelligence to the task of managing sign-ins and helps administrators to identify problem connections more quickly and more accurately. Having a Graph API (and SDK cmdlets) available to automate operations for risky user accounts is a bonus.

Deciding how to use these tools takes time and consideration. They must fit in your overall security posture and not conflict with any of the other protection techniques that are in use. Identity Protection is just another factor for administrator to consider.

Learn how to exploit the data available to Microsoft 365 tenant administrators through the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. We love figuring out how things work.

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