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Use the Revoke-MgUserSignInSession cmdlet to Revoke Access for Entra ID Accounts
Updated 24 January 2024
Microsoft’s documentation for how to revoke access to an Entra ID user account describes the use of the Revoke-AzureADUserAllRefreshToken cmdlet from the Azure AD PowerShell module. That’s unfortunate because of the upcoming deprecation of that module. If we consult Microsoft’s cmdlet map to find the appropriate replacement cmdlet from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, it turns out to be Invoke-MgInvalidateUserRefreshToken, which “Invalidates all of the user’s refresh tokens issued to applications (as well as session cookies in a user’s browser), by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time.”
The guidance could not be clearer. Any script using the Revoke-AzureADUserAllRefreshToken should replace it with the Invoke-MgInvalidateUserRefreshToken cmdlet. Except when you discover that the SDK also includes the Revoke-MgUserSignInSession cmdlet. This cmdlet is in beta and its documentation is less than perfect (or totally inadequate), but the salient fact is that it performs the same task. These two commands have the same effect:
$RevokeStatus = Revoke-MgUserSignInSession -UserId $UserId $InvalidateStatus = Invoke-MgInvalidateUserRefreshToken -UserId $UserId
Up to now, the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook (chapter 5) documented how to use the Invoke-MgInvalidateUserRefreshToken cmdlet to block an Entra ID user account. Finding the alternative cmdlet used in a Microsoft example provoked a query to ask why two cmdlets did the same thing.
Microsoft’s response is that they built Invoke-MgInvalidateUserRefreshToken for a specific purpose. The cmdlet still works and has the significant benefit of being part of the production (V1.0) module. However, Microsoft’s recommendation is to use Revoke-MgUserSignInSession in the future, even if it is in the beta module.
Revoking Access for an Entra ID Account is the Start
Of course, revoking access for an Entra ID user account might just be the first step in the process of securing the account. Revoking access will force the user to reauthenticate, but if you want to stop further access to the account, you must:
- Disable the account.
- Change the password.
- (Optionally) disable any devices registered to the account.
Disabling the account and changing the password are both critical events that force Entra ID to signal applications that support continuous access evaluation (CAE) to terminate sessions. Many of the important Microsoft 365 apps like Outlook and SharePoint Online support CAE (see current list).
This PowerShell code does the necessary, if the account signing into the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK holds at least the User Administrator role:
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Directory.AccessAsUser.All $Account = Read-Host "Enter the User Principal Name of the account to block" $User = (Get-MgUser -UserId $Account -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) If (!($User)) { Write-Host ("Can't find an Entra ID user account for {0}" -f $Account); break } Write-Host ("Revoking access and changing password for account {0}" -f $User.DisplayName) # Disable the account Update-MgUser -UserId $User.Id -AccountEnabled:$False # Create a password profile with details of a new password $NewPassword = @{} $NewPassword["Password"]= "!NewYorkCity2022?" $NewPassword["ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn"] = $True Update-MgUser -UserId $User.Id -PasswordProfile $NewPassword # Revoke signed in sessions and refresh tokens $RevokeStatus = Revoke-MgUserSignInSession -UserId $User.Id If ($RevokeStatus.Value -eq $true) { Write-Host ("Access revoked for user {0}" -f $User.DisplayName) } # Disable registered devices [array]$UserDevices = Get-MgUserRegisteredDevice -UserId $User.Id If ($UserDevices) { ForEach ($Device in $UserDevices) { Update-MgDevice -DeviceId $Device.Id -AccountEnabled:$False} }
Figure 1 shows that after running the script, the user account is disabled and the SignInSessionsValidFromDateTime property (referred to as refreshTokensValidFromDateTime above) is set to the time when the Revoke-MgUserSignInSession cmdlet ran.

Consequences of Disabling an Entra ID User Account
In a scenario like a departing employee, losing access to some teams might not be important. If it is, or in situations where it’s necessary to preserve the account in full working order, an alternative to disabling an account is to change its password and revoke access. The account remains active but is inaccessible unless those attempting to sign-in know the new password.
Example of Knowledge Gap
In July 2022, I wrote about the opening of a knowledge gap as tenants transitioned from the depreciated Azure AD and Microsoft Online Services (MSOL) modules. Having two cmdlets that revoke user access to pick from is one too many. It doesn’t help people migrate scripts to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. But at least the recommendation is clear: use Revoke-MgUserSignInSession.
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Hi Tony, great article! Can you confirm if the ‘Revoke Sessions’ button in the Entra ID GUI has the same effect, or not, as the ‘Revoke-MgUserSignInSession’ command?
To be clear this is the ‘Revoke Sessions’ button in the following area:
Entra ID>Users>[Select User Account]>Overview Section>Revoke Sessions (Button)
Yep. I believe so.
Just curious, should we revoke Sessions twice to prevent the user from using a different but previously successful device from refreshing the token based on knowing the token of a previously successful session?
If so, should we also reset the password twice for good measure?
I don’t think so. Entra ID treats the password change as a critical event and any application that supports continual access evaluation ( will force reauthentication.
Thank you for the link, it is turning into a good read. 🙂