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Old Limit with SignInActivity was 999 – New Limit for Azure AD Accounts is 120
Because it retrieves details of Azure AD accounts, the List Users API is one of the most heavily used of the Microsoft Graph APIs. It also underpins the Get-MgUser cmdlet from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. Microsoft generates the cmdlet from the API using a process called AutoRest, which means that changes made to the API show up soon afterward in the cmdlet.
I’ve documented some of the issues that developers must deal with when coding with the cmdlets from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. The cmdlets have been stable recently, which is a relief because tenants are migrating scripts from the Azure AD and MSOL modules. However, last week an issue erupted in a GitHub discussion that caused a lot of disruption.
In a nutshell, if you use List Users to fetch Azure AD accounts and include the SignInActivity property, the API limits the page size for results to 120 items. Calls made without specifying SignInActivity can set the page size to be anything up to 999 items.
An Unannounced Change
To help manage demand on the service, all Graph API requests limit the number of items that they return. To retrieve all matching items for a request, developers must fetch pages of results until nothing remains. When a developer knows that large numbers of items must be fetched, they often increase the page size to reduce the number of requests.
Microsoft didn’t say anything about the new restriction on requests that fetch Azure AD account data with sign-in activity. Developers only discovered the problem when programs and scripts failed. I first learned of the issue when some of the users of the Office 365 for IT Pros GitHub repository reported that a Graph request which included a $top query parameter to increase the page size to 999 items failed. For example:
$uri = "`$select=displayName,userPrincipalName,mail,id,CreatedDateTime,signInActivity,UserType&`$top=999" [array]$Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $Headers Invoke-RestMethod : The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. At line:1 char:16 + ... ray]$Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri -ContentType "app ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.I
As shown in Figure 2, testing with the Get-MgUser cmdlet revealed some more information in the error (“Cannot query data for more than 120 users at a time”). This was the first time I learned about a query limit:

According to a response reported in the GitHub discussion, Microsoft support reported
“The PG have confirmed that this endpoint will be transitioning from beta to General Availability (GA).
As part of this transition, changes to its behavior has been made, this includes not requesting more than 120 results per call. They recommend requesting less than 120 results per call, which can be done by setting the top parameter to, say 100.”
It’s likely that Microsoft made the change because retrieving sign-in activity data for Azure AD accounts is an expensive operation. Reducing the page size to 120 possibly makes it easier to process a request than if it asked for 999 items.
Beta Version of List Users Moving to Production
When the product group (PG) says that the endpoint is transitioning from beta to GA, it means that instead of needing to use to access sign-in activity, the data will be available through If you use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, you won’t have to run the Select-MgProfile cmdlet to choose the beta endpoint. Moving the beta version of the API to the production endpoint is a good thing because there are many other account properties now only available through the beta endpoint (like license assignments).
If you use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK, the Get-MgUser cmdlet is unaffected by the change if you specify the All parameter. This is because the cmdlet handles pagination internally and fetches all pages automatically without the need to specify a page size. For instance, this works:
$AccountProperties = @( ‘Id’, ‘DisplayName’, ‘SignInActivity’) [array]$Users = Get-MgUser -All -Property $AccountProperties | Select-Object $AccountProperties
Moving to Production
Although it’s good that Microsoft is (slowly) moving the beta versions of the List Users API towards production, it’s a pity that they introduced a change that broke so many scripts and programs without any warning. At worse, this so exhibits a certain contempt for the developer community. At best, it’s a bad sign when communication with the developer community is not a priority. That’s just sad.
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