A question asked if it’s possible to hide individual distribution list members. It’s easy to hide the complete membership but not as simple to hide just a few. However, an old technique dating back to the early days of Exchange Server works. Sometimes the old tricks are the best!
Several methods exist to add new user accounts to groups automatically. Dynamic group membership is an obvious option, but other choices exist, including org-wide teams (if your organization is under 10,000 accounts) and using PowerShell to manage the automatic addition of new members to a standard distribution list or Microsoft 365 group. This article examines the various methods. Once you understand what’s possible, you can make the right choice.
A reader asked how to move membership of multiple distribution lists from one mailbox to another. We use PowerShell to do the job. Only a few lines are needed to switch the memberships, but we add a few more lines to make the script work better. We don’t handle dynamic distribution lists. This is possible for precanned (simple) filters, but given the number of dynamic distribution lists usually involved, it’s probably best to update directory settings manually.
A question asked what the best way is to add a mailbox to multiple distribution lists. The admin UIs do the job for a few lists, but PowerShell is the way to go when you have lots of lists to process. Two approaches are discussed here: one uses an array as the input, the other uses a CSV file.