Organizers of Teams Recurring Meetings Can Create Loop Workspaces for Shared Content

A new feature for Teams recurring meetings allows meeting organizers to create Loop workspaces to hold content shared within the meetings. It’s an example of close integration between different parts of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem to add value for customers. That’s great, providing you have the correct licenses to allow meeting organizers to create Loop workspaces and don’t need to support guest access (coming soon).

How to Retrieve Loop Workspaces Data with PowerShell

A previous attempt to write a script to report all Loop workspaces in a tenant was flawed because it only retrieved the first 200 workspaces. I hadn’t realized that the Get-SPOContainer cmdlet supported an odd form of pagination to retrieve workspace data. In any case, I figured out how to page top find all available workspaces and updated the script. It’s just another example of oddness in the SharePoint Online PowerShell module

eDiscovery Still Doesn’t Handle Loop Components Seamlessly

Following new support of Loop components for Teams channel conversations, it’s sad to discover that Loop component eDiscovery remains challenging two years after the first appearance of component technology in a Microsoft 365 application. eDiscovery can certainly find Loop components, but creating a seamless picture about their usage is harder than it should be.

Making Loop Tasks Work Across Teams, Outlook, and Planner

A May 10 post reveals how Loop task list components can synchronize with Planner (using a roster container) to make the Loop tasks available to other apps like To Do. It’s the first implementation of Planner roster (or lightweight) containers, meaning that the containers holding tasks are not associated with a Microsoft 365 group. Everything seems to work very smoothly and the technology is available now.

New Messages Search Vertical Available in

If you run a search in, Microsoft Search now includes Teams and Outlook messages in its results. This is similar to the capability exposed when connects Microsoft Search to include work items in its results. Loop components are also available in search results.

Why Loop Components Have Some Compliance Problems

Microsoft Loop components are available now in Teams chats and will soon become available in OWA. Loop components are a new way of collaborative working that some will find very attractive. However, under the covers, some compliance issues can block organizations from allowing the use of Loop components. This post explains the issues involved in eDiscovery and export of items containing Loop components.

New Control for Loop Components in Microsoft 365 Apps

A new control in the SharePoint Online configuration is available to enable or disable Microsoft Loop components in Microsoft 365 apps, just in time for their introduction in OWA and Outlook for Windows. However, before we get all excited, there are some important issues with loop components when exported in eDiscovery search results that might make tenant administrators ponder. Just a tad…

How to Use Microsoft Loop Components in Teams Chat

Announced at Fall Ignite 2021, the first implementation of Microsoft Loop components is in Teams chat. This functionality is available in preview and it’s very usable, providing everyone in the chat uses the right client and is enabled for preview. In this article, we review the functionality available through loop components and how the fluid files for the components are stored and shared.