Azure AD Admin Center Moves to Microsoft Entra Admin Center

The changes in Microsoft 365 keep on coming thick and fast. Changes range from the introduction of fundamental new technology like Microsoft 365 Copilot to an update to a small product detail. In this case, the Azure AD admin center is moving to the Microsoft Entra admin center. Microsoft has its own reasons for making this change, which will ripple out across the community to affect content developers and trainers. Is that a problem? Only if you don’t respond.

The Odd Azure AD Selected Visibility is Not Allowed Problem

Like all apps, the Azure AD Admin center has its own quirks and inconsistencies. In this article, we cover issues creating groups when the admin center doesn’t apply sensitivity label container management settings properly, and group-based license management, which only works if the group’s security enabled property is set correctly.

Updates to Group Creation Settings in Azure AD Admin Center

Microsoft has updated the creation settings for security groups and Microsoft 365 groups in the Azure AD admin center. The changes impose consistency over administrator creation of these groups and probably won’t affect tenants, but it’s good to check. The change makes us ponder why Microsoft doesn’t improve the GUI for other group controls, like those controlling who can create new Microsoft 365 Groups.

How to Create an Entra ID B2B Collaboration Policy

Azure B2B collaboration is used by Microsoft 365 Groups-based apps like Teams, Planner, and Yammer to control the creation of new guest accounts. You can update settings in the Azure AD portal to stop new accounts from specific domains or restrict guests to a list of known domains. But before you go ahead and update the settings, it’s a good idea to know where existing guest accounts come from. It’s easy to create a report with PowerShell. The next step might be to remove guests from offending domains.