The May 2021 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros (2021 edition) eBook contains changes to 20 of the 24 chapters. The changes cover many topics from Microsoft’s FY21 Q3 results to new sensitivity labels settings for Outlook. Now spanning over 1,300 pages, Office 365 for IT Pros is packed full of practical and most importantly, up-to-date knowledge and guidance about Office 365, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Teams, Planner, Azure AD, PowerShell, the Microsoft Graph, and many other topics.
The April 2021 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is available for download by the book’s subscribers. Every chapter received updates in April, making this month’s update the broadest revision we have ever delivered. It all underlines the amount of change which occurs within Office 365 and why a book that’s republished monthly is so valuable.
The March 2021 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available. Office 365 for IT Pros is the only book updated monthly. which covers Microsoft’s cloud office system. This update covers 23 of the 24 chapters and is packed full of new information and insights covering anything from Teams to Stream to Exchange Online and SharePoint Online.
The February 2021 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available for subscribers to download. Office 365 for IT Pros is the only book with monthly updates covering the Office components of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Subscribers to the 2021 edition can now download updates PDF and EPUB files from
The January 2021 update is available for Office 365 for IT Pros, the only eBook about Microsoft’s cloud Office service that’s updated monthly. Twenty-one of the 24 content chapters are updated as change keeps on happening in Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Teams, Planner, Stream, Azure AD, and more.
The December 2020 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is available for subscribers to download. EPUB/PDF files are on while Amazon Kindle users must contact Amazon to have the updates released to their device. As usual, the update contains a mixture of new information, rewritten content, new tips and techniques, and a few bug fixes.
The November 2020 update for the world’s best Office 365 book is available. Subscribers to Office 365 for IT Pros can now download updated files. The companion volume has also been updated. Full details of the updates to 222 chapters can be found in the Office 365 for IT Pros change log.
The October 2020 update is available for Office 365 for IT Pros, the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of Office 365 and its applications available for tenant administrators and solution architects. Subscribers can download the book from (EPUB/PDF) or Amazon (Kindle). Please download and use the latest update to ensure that you work with the latest news.
Files for the September 2020 update of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook, the only always-updated book available for Office 365, are now available. Subscribers can download their updates from or Amazon Kindle.
The August 2020 update for Office 365 for IT Pros (2021 Edition) is now available. Subscribers can download the updated files from Gumroad,com. Kindle buyers can ask Amazon to make the update available to them. The August update includes changes to 18 of the 24 content chapters, which is pretty typical for the kind of change that happens inside Office 365.
The 2021 edition of Office 365 for IT Pros, the world’s best book covering management and deployment of Office 365 is now available (July 1, 2020). The book is completely refreshed with material about SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Teams, Stream, Planner, OneDrive for Business, Yammer, and all the administrative interfaces (portals, PowerShell, and the Graph). It might take you 30 hours or more to read Office 365 for IT Pros (or so SharePoint tells us), but it will be more than worthwhile.
Episode 19 of the Office 365 Exposed podcast covers the imminent release of the 2021 edition of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. Learn how we put the book together and how we keep track of what’s happening inside Office 365 and the wider Microsoft 365 ecosystem. And how we take this information and incorporate it into the book.
The 2021 edition of the Office 365 for IT Pros ebook will soon be available. Read about an author’s perspective on working on the book and why it’s different to other books.
People who subscribe to the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook in June 2020 will receive a free update to the 2021 edition when it is released in July. Go ahead and buy a book as normal from and we’ll send you a code in July for a free upgrade.
The June 2020 update for Office 365 for IT Pros, the world’s best and only constantly updated book about Office 365 is now available. Subscribers can download updated files from their Gumroad account. If you’ve bought the Kindle version from Amazon, you can ask them for the updated files.
The May update is now available for the Office 365 for IT Pros (2020 edition) eBook. Subscribers can download new files as they wish. Because so much has changed in this update, we recommend that you download the update as soon as convenient.
The April 2020 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available. Subscribers can download the updated files from (EPUB/PDF) or Amazon (Kindle). 17 of the 24 content chapters are changed in this update.
The March 2020 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available for subscribers to download. This update features changes to 18 of the 24 content chapters, so it’s quite large. We urge subscribers to download and use the updates to make use of the work that goes into tracking, understanding, and documenting what happens inside Office 365.
Subscribers to the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook can download the February update now. This release updates 18 of the 24 content chapters, so it’s a pretty big update overall. No other eBook (or printed book) attempts to update as often as we do, which means that our content is the most up-to-date available to read about Office 365 and associated technologies. That’s a nice position to be in.
Office 365 for IT Pros is the only book that is continuously updated to track progress of Microsoft’s Cloud Office service. The January 2020 update is now available for subscribers to download from or Amazon. Fifteen out of 24 chapters are updated in this release. As always, we’d like subscribers to download and use the new content.
The Office 365 for IT Pros Writing team is taking a short break for the holiday season. We’ll be back in 2020 with new articles and insight into Office 365 as well as an update for the book on January 6. Everyone needs to recharge their batteries and we’ll be using the holidays to prepare for all the work we know that’s coming in 2020.
The Office 365 for IT Pros team is proud to announce the availability of the December 2019 update for the eBook. Subscribers can download the updated files from or Amazon. The December update includes changes to 21 of the 24 content chapters, so it’s a pretty big update. Please download and use the updated files at your earliest convenience!
In May 2015 we launched the first edition of Office 365 for IT Pros at the new Microsoft Ignite conference. At that event, we had printed copies of the book. Since then we have learned our lesson and haven’t gone near hard copies, mostly because of the cost and complexity of coordinating content for a book that changes so often. If you’re considering writing a technical book about cloud services, our advice is to go along the ePublishing route.
The Office 365 for IT Pros writing team has published the November 2019 updates for the eBook. Subscribers can download the updated files from (EPUB and PDF formats) or (Kindle). This update touches sixteen of the twenty-four chapters. We’d appreciate if our subscribers can download the new files as we hate to think of you using outdated material.
The Office 365 for IT Pros author team is busy packing for the Microsoft Ignite 2019 conference in November. We’ll deliver sessions, tape podcasts, and staff booths, and come back with a ton of new information that we will incorporate into the December update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook.
The October 2019 updates are now available for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook.19 out of the 24 content chapters were updated in this cycle, proving once again that ePublishing is the only way to cover ever-changing cloud services like Office 365. Add in Azure Active Directory and other Azure services and it’s easy to see why we all swim in a sea of cloud-charged changes. Subscribers can download updated book files from or Amazon, depending on the format they bought.
Steve Goodman of ran the rule over the September 2019 update of the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook and reviews what he found. He also interviewed Tony about how the book is produced and howthe chapter authors track the changes that happen all the time inside Office 365.
The September 2019 update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available for subscribers to download from (PDF and EPUB) and Amazon (Kindle). We updated 17 of the 24 content chapters in this release. There are many small updates dotted across the book. Office 365 keeps on changing!
The August updates for Office 365 for IT Pros (2020 Edition) are now available for download from and It’s been a big month for change and we updated 21 of the 24 content chapters. Printed books could never cope with this level of change – or any level of change when you think about it.
Office 365 for IT Pros (2020 Edition) is now available in PDF/EPUB and Kindle formats. This is the sixth edition of the only eBook that is continually updated to match developments in Office 365. Existing subscribers will get a very attractive offer to renew their subscription for the new edition. Those of you who have never bought Office 365 for IT Pros should do so immediately because it’s packed full of practical information.
The 15th update for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available for download by subscribers. This is the last update before we switch focus to the 2020 edition, due for release on July 1, 2019. We didn’t make many changes in this update because we’re busy writing for the 2020 edition, but the changes we did make are important and we’d like people to download and use the updated files.
The Office 365 for IT Pros eBook writing team will soon launch the 2020 edition of the only book that is continuously updated to keep track of developments inside Office 365. Existing subscribers will be able to upgrade to the new edition for $14.95, and anyone who buys a full-price copy in May or June 2019 will receive a free upgrade to the 2020 edition thanks to sponsorship from Quadrotech.
The writing team has released update 14 for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook. Fifteen out of twenty-four chapters are updated, so the new files should be downloaded and used to make sure that you have the latest content. This is the last major update for the 2019 edition as the writing team is now focused on creating the 2020 edition for publication in July.
Update #13 for the Office 365 for IT Pros (2019 edition) eBook is now available for subscribers to download from Gumroad (EPUB and PDF) or Amazon (Kindle). This update features changes in 14 of the 24 chapters, so it’s substantial. Just like Office 365, the book keeps on changing to keep track with new developments, best practice, and information released by Microsoft.
The Office 365 for IT Pros writing team don’t pay too much attention to ratings we receive on different sites. However, we love getting comments to tell us how we can improve. If you’ve got something to share with us, please send a comment on this site or on Facebook.
A subscriber reported that he couldn’t use the EPUB version of Office 365 for IT Pros with Google Play. We can make the EPUB work, but only by converting it to MOBI and back to EPUB. It’s better to use the PDF version with Google Play. This works and you get better formatting of tables and code examples.
Office 365 content searches now support a hard-delete (permanent deletion) option for the purge action, but only for mailbox items. You can purge up to 10 items at a go. If you have more to purge, you just have to keep on purging until everything is gone. Or use the Search-Mailbox cmdlet, which keeps on proving its usefulness to administrators who need to remove lots of mailbox items quickly.
The March 2019 updates for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook are now available for EPUB/PDF and Kindle versions. EPUB/PDF subscribers can download the updated files from Gumroad. Getting the updates for Kindle is slightly more difficult, but it’s possible and explained in our FAQ. Twelve of twenty-four chapters are updated in this release, so please take advantage of our work and download the updates now.
Update #11 for the Office 365 for IT Pros eBook is now available. Subscribers can download updated files from Gumroad or Amazon Kindle (depending on which version you bought) and benefit from the 16 updated chapters. ePublishing is the only way to keep up with the volume of changes in Office 365, and Office 365 for IT Pros is the only book that keeps up. But you know that anyway because you’re reading this site!
Updated Files Office 365 for IT Pros Now Available The Office 365 for IT Pros writing team is thrilled to release the 10th update for the 2019 edition. Dated January 21, 2019, the updated files are now online and available on (for subscribers who bought the EPUB and PDF versions) and Amazon (for those …
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